Where to eat in Montemayor?

The gastronomic offer in Montemayor is wide, offering a high variety of restaurants, tapas bars, taberns, show buffets, both for lunch and dinner. Enjoy a huge culinary experience.

In Montemayor avant-garde and traditional cuisine live together. The most typical dishes from Córdoba’s green fields are mixed with local recipes, slow cooked with love and transmitted from generation to generation in this millenary town.

Montemayor’s recipe book includes the healthy AOVE from both ‘picual’ and ‘arbequina’ variants, predominant in the region, and the delightful wines of the land: white, red and P.X.  Doubtlessly, the king of Montemayor’s cuisine is the sweet wine Pedro Ximénez, a unique product that captivates the most refined people’s palates.

We recommend having a look at the offering related to bars, restaurants and tapas bars that we have made for you, we guarantee that you will repeat. Taste and enjoy the delicacy of this land.

In order to make the search easier, we facilitate this location map to see where the restaurants are: