Montemayor's Castles (Córdoba)

“’Montemayor is the frontier land in which the Islamic and Christian cultures crashed during the Reconquest period, like a lightning bolt over the vineyard, giving as a result two proud castles and a huge feudal manor’.”.

A land of knights and maidens, in Montemayor exist two castles: Dos Hermanas Castle and Ducal de Frías’ Castle. Both are considered as the most symbolic monuments of the town.

Montemayor is one of those rare villages all over Spain that already has two medieval castles inside its boundaries. Dos Hermanas Castle, built by the Arabs, and Montemayor Castle, by the Christians after the Reconquest. If you like castles, tales and minstrel poetry, you got to visit us!

Montemayor es uno de los escasos pueblos de toda España que cuenta con dos castillos medievales en su término municipal. El de Dos Hermanas construido por los árabes y el de Montemayor por los cristianos tras la Reconquista. ¡Si te gustan los castillos, las leyendas y las historias de juglares y trovadores tienes que visitarnos!


It represents one of the best examples of Arabic poliorcetic in Spain. Located around 7 Km away from Montemayor, following the Old Station's path. de Montemayor siguiendo el trayecto de la antigua carretera De la Estación.


This castle constitutes one of the best examples related to military architecture during the medieval period in Córdoba. It is one of the most photographed castles as well. Es también uno de los castillos más fotografiados.